RE: side/side vs. left/right

Hi Stella,

I appreciate the time and effort you are spending learning how to use
Jacc. I think it'll be worth your (and this WG's) time in the long run.

Re: your questions, my answers are below.  I also updated the BLD->XML
(meta-)compiler release on my web page with modified grammar annotations
as per your needs (see the *.grm files). The new zipped bundle is in:

One last remark (and request): as I was (but vainly) trying to explain
yesterday during the telecon, I am currently hard-pressed not having time
on my hands to maintain an obsolete version vs. trying to develop a new
version (with still a few tricky parts remaining to program). Even though
I try to do my best time-sharing among all my activities, this RIF thing
is now taking more time that I can reasonably spare. So, again, I would
like to focus on the new version as soon as possible.

At any rate, the release that I have made (for the previous BLD version)
cannot yet handle namespace declarations such as the 4th one you want
- i.e., xsi:schemaLocation - see comments below). The other things you
needed are simple to do.

> So, instead of :
>    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>    <rif:document xmlns:rif="">
>         <Group>
>               .......
>         </Group>
>    </Document>
> I would like:
>    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>    <rif:document xmlns:rif="">
>    <payload>
>       <Group>
>            .......
>       </Group>
>    </payload>  
> </Document>
> Could you tell me how to do this by modifying the .grm files?

Yes. Edit source/BLD.grm and change the rule:

 * Root grammar rule for Basic Logic Dialect (BLD):
  : Group
  { showXml(); }  // show the XML tree

to the pair of rules:

 * Root grammar rule for Basic Logic Dialect (BLD):
  : OuterDocument
  { showXml(); }  // show the XML tree

  : Group
  [ L:"payload" C:(1) ]

> Also, I'd like to change:
>     <rif:document xmlns:rif="">
> to
>   <Document
>       xmlns=""
>       xmlns:xsi=""
>       xmlns:xs=""
>       xsi:schemaLocation= "">  
> For this, I'm not sure how to achieve the 1st and 4th attributes
> (default namespace, and schema location)

Still in source/BLD.grm, change the 'xmlroot' annotation:

// Define the XML tree root element to be 'rif:document':
%xmlroot "rif" "document"


// Define the XML tree root element to be 'Document':
%xmlroot "Document"

Regarding the 3 first of the 4 namespace declarations that you need,
simply specify the following 'xmlns' annotations in source/BLD.grm:

// Declare the 'rif', 'xsi', and 'xs' XML namespaces:
%xmlns "rif" ""
%xmlns "xsi" ""
%xmlns "xs"  ""

As for the 4th one, the released system cannot (yet?) handle those.  As
a matter of fact, I have yet to understand what this is used for. It is
easy to introduce in the next release. For now, sorry - comment it out. 

Note also that relative IRI's are not (yet?)  handled; so the "rif"
namespace declaration above is not the same as the Base pragma of the
current version.

Finally, I also updated the Jacc documentation in the release to also
describe the XML annotation commands (they were missing from the
previous released Jacc doc).

Thanks again, and good luck!


PS/ Please read the annotation manual in docs/JaccXmlAnnotationManual.pdf.
Hassan Aït-Kaci  *  ILOG, Inc. - Product Division R&D

-----Original Message-----
From: Stella Mitchell []
Sent: Wed 10/1/2008 2:33 AM
To: Hassan Ait-Kaci
Subject: Re: side/side vs. left/right
Hi Hassan,

Thanks for this. I was able to make several changes
in the output XML,  but I'm having trouble wrapping the 
outermost  <group> with <payload>. 

 So, instead of :

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <rif:document xmlns:rif="">


I would like:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <rif:document xmlns:rif="">


Could you tell me how to do this by modifying the .grm files?

Also, I'd like to change:

    <rif:document xmlns:rif="">


      xsi:schemaLocation= ""> 

For this, I'm not sure how to achieve the 1st and 4th attributes
(default namespace, and schema location)


"Hassan Ait-Kaci" <> 
Sent by:
09/30/2008 11:53 AM

"harold boley" <>
side/side vs. left/right

Regarding Harold's and Christian's worry to have an up-to-date XML 
for the RIF->XML compiler I delivered, if you read the provided 
of the tool that I delivered already, you will realize that can update the 
of XML patterns that are generated for the syntax simply by editing the 
BLC.grm located in subdirectory sources/. Simply change:

  : Term EQUAL Term
  [ L:"Equal" C:(side.1 side.3) ]


  : Term EQUAL Term
  [ L:"Equal" C:(left.1 right.3) ]

and recompile (i.e., do "ant all"). That's all. The same for
other changes that you wish can of couse be done.

The *whole point* of my tool is that it allows one to easily change the 
format of
the generate XML. So I am not needed for such changes...

Hassan Aït-Kaci  *  ILOG, Inc. - Product Division R&D

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2008 08:41:54 UTC