Re: [DTB] Most editor's notes addressed

Axel Polleres wrote:
> Dave Reynolds wrote:
>> Axel Polleres wrote:
>>> Jos de Bruijn wrote:
>>>> Then, I find it odd to use an abstract object as data type IRI. I would
>>>> suggest to use xsd:anyURI or xsd:string.
>>>> There are no actual objects in the interpretation that represent the
>>>> data type, so you cannot return the data type itself.
>> Are there not?
>> In RDF I can and do make statements such as:
>>   xsd:decimal rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
>>   xsd:integer rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
>>   eg:number   rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
>>   xsd:integer rdfs:subClassOf xsd:decimal.
>>   xsd:decimal rdfs:subClassOf eg:number.
>>   ...
>> and use RDF rules to process such statements (e.g. to implement the 
>> RDFS D-entailments).
>> I would expect to be to express such rules within RIF and that such 
>> rules would be able to connect the return value of pred:hasDatatype to 
>> the frames representing the above RDF assertions.
> Side remark: there is no "return value" for hasDatatype, it is a 
> predicate, see other mails and example in the draft.

Yes I know, I was using that as shorthand for "what gets bound to the 
second argument of the predicate" as in the example below.


>> For example I could write something like:
>>      eg:isNumber(?X) :- pred:hasDatatype(?X, ?I),
>>                              ?I[rdfs:subClassOf->eg:number].
>> If the return value of hasDatatype were xsd:anyURI I could hack my way 
>> around it but it would not be convenient or easy to explain to users.
> Agree! that was my rationale as well.
>>>> I think returning
>>>> the datatype IRI is the next best thing.
>>> I had that, but I went back from it, since I wanted to maintain a 
>>> minimal degree of compatibility with SPARQL's datatype function 
>>> (which does return an IRI, and not an xs:anyURI typed literal). We 
>>> had to do all kinds of work-arounds to get to some version where we 
>>> can "more-or-less" emulate SPARQL's filter functions in RIF. I am 
>>> reluctant to deviate even further. If the minimal requirement to 
>>> emulate SPARQL's filter functions in RIF is not met, I personally 
>>> would consider RIF failed. 
>> Seconded.
>> Dave

Received on Friday, 14 November 2008 10:07:10 UTC