[PRD] Name for the proposed forward chaining strategy (was: Re: [Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 11 November)


Changhai Ke wrote:
> I hope we can reserve an opportunity to discuss about the precise names
> for the tags.

Agreed. The paragraph after the "keyword" rif:standardForward is first used says:

<<Editor's Note: Name of the standard CR strategy to be discussed and agreed upon... standardForward used here as a placeholder.>>

> Your main point here is that the "so called keyword" is in fact a value
> for an XML tag, and this is very good. My proposal for the name (for the
> value of the tag) is to call it "forward chaining" or "inference". (But
> please avoid "standard", it may give arise to additional thoughts).

I did not use rif:forwardChaining as a place holder, because there are many variants to forward chaining. The one we selected seems to be the simplest and (maybe?) the most standard one: hence standardForward.

But I am not really attached to any special name, esp. for a flag for use in basically unreadable XML documents: if somebody insisted, rif:whatTheF*** would work just as fine with me :-)



Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 18:29:56 UTC