metadata in BLD

concerning the proposal for adding metadata to RIF-BLD rules:

Adding metadata to rule sets looks fine here.  I have a problem with the 
syntax for rules.  Namely, according to the current proposal, a "Forall" 
has an IRI plus metadata.  Forall is a quantifier and not a rule.
Additionally, it is not possible to add metadata to facts; this is 
clearly undesirable.

I would propose to assign IRIs and metadata directly to rules, e.g., 
using a 'Rule' keyword, as proposed in [1]:

Rule            ::= 'Rule( ' absolute-IRI? Metadata* RULECONTENT ' ) '
RULECONTENT     ::= 'Forall' Var+ '(' CONDITION (':-' CONDITION)? ')'

Best, Jos


Jos de Bruijn,
One man that has a mind and knows it can
always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
   -- George Bernard Shaw

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2008 15:47:50 UTC