Re: [BLD] Action on Uniterms in XML

> This expands on the case for Uniterms in XML I made in
> today's telecon (ACTION-445).
> -- Harold
> When moving upward the hierarchy of language extensions
> one should be allowed to reuse instance documents of
> less expressive layers unchanged as instance documents
> of more expressive layers.
> E.g., when moving upward from Datalog to Horn logic,
> the function-free atomic Datalog terms should be legal
> as Horn logic terms, where function applications can
> then be added as well.

Absolutely.  We want to maximize overlap between dialects to maximize
reuse.  If two dialects can have a superset/subset relation in their
syntax, that very nice and simple.  (And, of course, for any given
document, its (observable) meaning should be the same in all dialects
for which it is syntactically valid.)

> Also, when moving upward from BLD to HLD (HiLog Dialect),
> the contextually differentiated BLD uniterms should be
> legal as HLD terms, where cross-contextual use is then
> permitted as well.
> If we don't use Uniterms with contextual differentiation
> but go back to an explicit Atom/Expr differentiation,
> such uniform instance-document reuse would be prevented.

I don't see how that is the case.

I see nothing about HiLog that says the parser is not allowed to tell,
when it comes across something like x(y), whether that is a
function-term or an atomic-formula.  Rather, as in HornLog, it should be
able to tell from where it is in the parse tree.   All I want is for
that information to also be in XML tag.

> In the following let's employ a simplified XML-like
> presentation, where <Element>c1 ... cN</Element> is
> transformed to Element(c1' ... cN'), with primes
> indicating recursive transformation.
> Then, for example, a BLD instance document using facts
> of the form Atom(a Expr(f c d) e) could not be imported
> unchanged into an HLD instance document.

Why not?   I see no problem using that in HLD.

The difference between BLD and HLD, as I understand it, is that where
you have "a" and "f" in that example, in HLD the grammar would also
allow you to put a term or variable.  But the above formula would also
be perfectly legal.

> However, our current BLD with facts of the neutral form
> Uniterm(a Uniterm(f c d) e) could be imported unchanged
> into HLD.

I don't see how it helps.  The parse tree still tells you that the outer
Uniterm is an Atom and the inner Uniterm is a Term.   

> With uniterms, HLD also allows cross-contextual uses
> such as
> And ( ?x = Uniterm(f c d)
>       Uniterm(a ?x e)
>       ?x )

You're doing stealth (implicit) reification here.  I strongly suggest we
don't do that.  I'd like reification (even before HiLog, maybe), but I
want it to be explicit in the syntax.

Something like:

 And ( ?x = Uniterm(f c d)
       Uniterm(a ?x e)
       true(?x) )

Perhaps "true" is not a good name for it.  Prolog calls it "call", which
sounds too procedural for BLD, I think.  Some prologs (including SWIPL
and XSB) allow you to just use a variable -- as you did -- saying it
means exactly the same thing as using "call".  The XSB 3.1 manual notes,
"the explicit use of call/1 is considered better programming practice."

> After two ?x substitutions this becomes
> And ( ?x = Uniterm(f c d)
>       Uniterm(a Uniterm(f c d) e)
>       Uniterm(f c d) )

I suggest, instead:

 And ( ?x = Uniterm(f c d)
       Uniterm(a Uniterm(f c d) e)
       true(Uniterm(f c d)) )

which the parser will understand as:

 And ( ?x = expr(f c d)
       atom(a expr(f c d) e)
       true(expr(f c d)) )

To allow more syntax checking by the parser, and to allow tools (like
XTAN) to work without a full parse tree, I would like those tags in the

Note that the semantics of "true" are something like:
    true(expr(f c d)) iff atom(f c d)
or maybe:
    true(expr(f c d)) iff atom(f' c d)

> Since ?x = Uniterm(f c d) uses a neutral Uniterm, the
> first ?x substitution can be contextually interpreted
> as if it was Expr(f c d), and the second as if it was
> Atom(f c d):
> And ( ?x =3D Uniterm(f c d)
>       Atom(a Expr(f c d) e)
>       Atom(f c d) )
> Uniterm neutrality is particularly important for an
> interchange format.

Yeah, so I think that kind of reification, not flagged by anything
explicit in the syntax, is likely to make things harder for

     -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 04:57:24 UTC