Re: [PRD] Issues to resolve before publication (examples of Const)

Gary Hallmark wrote:
>> #3. Section Non-standard data types in the spec of Const.
>> Proposal: keep as in the current version. As proposed in [2]:
>>  * I removed the second sentence (from "They can also..." to the end 
>> of the alinea) from the first alinea of the paragraph about symbols 
>> with non-standard types, as well as the following alinea;
>>  * I changed the last alinea to start with "Dialects and applications
>> that extend...";
>>  * I added the editor's note.
> jim:today is not a valid xml serialization.

Supposing that Jim's namespace is, 
would the following be correct?

<Const type="rif:iri">

>> As a consequence, I also removed the example 2.1.e (but I would still
>> like to understand your comment in [3], Gary).
> my point is that we don't have any support for user-defined datatypes 
> and it's not necessary for the example, so it should be removed.

Yes, I got that much (and I removed the example). When I wrote that "I 
would still like to understand your comment, I was refering to the 
second part of it (from "Maybe we need..."):
> confusing: type="jim:DayOfTheWeek"
> Let's not claim we have a solution for this yet.  Maybe we need to 
> introduce some kind of "enum" type.  Or, maybe we
> need disjuncts in rule heads and we can axiomitize this:
> if ?x # jim:DayOfTheWeek then ?x = "Monday" or ?x = "Tuesday" or ...


Received on Monday, 30 June 2008 13:47:23 UTC