RIF telecon 15 July 2008

15 Jul 2008


See also: IRC log


csma, DaveReynolds, Mike_Dean, +43.158.801.1aaaa, josb, AdrianP, AxelPolleres, MichaelKifer, Harold
Gary, Hallmark, Sandro, Hawke, ChrisWelty, LeoraMorgenstern, MohamedZergaoui, Hassan Aït-Kaci
Christian de Sainte Marie
Dave Reynolds


1. Admin

<csma> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2008Jul/att-0091/8-July-2008-rif-minutes.html

<csma> PROPOSED: accept July 8 minutes

<csma> RESOLVED: accept minutes from July 8

2. Liaison

No liaisons present

3. Action review

csma: unsure which telecon number is being referred to in action-543

<AxelPolleres> the number is: +44.117.370.6152

UK Bridge: +44.117.370.6152

<josb> France: +

Jos, action-541, reviewed and raised issue of disjointness of internal/external

action-541 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-541 Review bld closed

action-540 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-540 Review SWC for LC closed

action-539 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-539 Review UCR for next WD closed

<AxelPolleres> ACTION-542 ... CONTINUED, I try to do it during this call, I overlooked it.

csma: is the draft of rif:text critical path for LC publication of BLD/SWC?

Axel: doesn't seem critical path

<AxelPolleres> I am not sure about critical path for SWC, jos?

<josb> no, it is not

Action-517 waiting frozen version of FLD

Other actions continued

action-533 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-533 Add explaination of relative IRIs wrt base directive to DTB shortcuts closed

action-506 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-506 Make editorial changes associated with DTB links in BLD and remove editor's notes closed

action-499 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-499 Add metadata syntax and commentary to BLD. closed

action-500 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-500 Metadata to mathematical description closed

action-498 closed

<trackbot> ACTION-498 Add text explaining external frames closed

<csma> next item

Test cases (action-440) to be reviewed in future call, perhaps week after next

4. Publication plans

csma: PRD has been reviewed and just awaits publication, decide whether to publish alone or in batch
... UCR reviewed by Stella, also to be reviewed by Jos
... sorry, reading wrong line, not Jos
... DTB reviewed by Stella, also given green light, waiting for Chris go/no-go

Axel: also action-542, doing it now

csma: anything else needed before DTB publish? In favour of publishing early as possible since 1st public WD.

<AxelPolleres> +1

Jos: no objection, but doesn't make sense before publishing BLD

csma: but PRD and FLD also reference DTB so it should be published along with the first referencing doc that gets published
... SWC reviewed by Axel, and no objection to moving to LC, just csma review (which will be primarily editorial)

<josb> DTB has normative references to BLD, so it cannot be published before BLD

csma: BLD there is the external/internal issue and awaiting Leora review

Michael: need till tomorrow for FLD, then should be freezable

<Harold> For FLD "Freeze ok" we need till tomorrow.

Jos: if FLD frozen tomorrow night, could review by Friday

<Harold> Leora's BLD review should be based on a newly frozen BLD, as mentioned in email exchange.

csma: so if can get Leora and Chris reviews this week, then we can get them all published together next week, in which case there is no point trying to publish PRD etc now since that would only make 1 week difference

s/reviews reviews this week this week/

<Harold> Only new reviews should be based on re-frozen versions.

csma: discuss issue of disjointness of internal/external atoms. Jos would object if they were not disjoint.

<josb> +1 should be disjoint

<mdean> +0.5

<AxelPolleres> I am not religious about it, we don't HAVE to impose this restriction, but it doesn't do harm either

<AxelPolleres> = 0

<MichaelKifer> I agree with Axel

<DaveReynolds> 0, agree with Axel

csma: some discussions regarding BNF, Axel questioned Const, csma questioned syntax for variables
... editorial since only the XML is normative

Harold: regarding Const, now solved that, same shortcuts now in BLD and DTB
... regarding variables this is just a point of view whether the '?' is part of the string or not

<Harold> Conventionally, ?xyz should be serialized as <Var>xyz</Var>.

csma: XML contains the name of the variable from the original rules, this in some cases may include '?', question is what about the presentation syntax

<Harold> Ok, ??yz should be serialized as <Var>?yz</Var>.

csma: so need to change one example in PRD to match this, simple editorial change
... was the issue of profiles being terms or unicode strings resolved?

Jos: yes, was unclear, now settled on it being a Const
... and changed the SWC table following Harold and Michael's suggestions

<scribe> ACTION: csma to ask Sandro to do the new freezes as soon as FLD is ready to freeze [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/15-rif-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-544 - Ask Sandro to do the new freezes as soon as FLD is ready to freeze [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2008-07-22].

<AxelPolleres> I fixed ACTION-542 now. Could Stella and Jos have a look? it is very short, so should be quick. I fixed 4.3.4 and changed the references to the langtag RFC to [BCP-47] throughout the document (also in sections 2.1.1 and 2.2)

Michael: don't freeze BLD right now, need some small changes
... should be fixable in a couple of hours

<Harold> We'll send email about BLD first, then about FLD.

Axel: completed action-542 now, so DTB can be re-frozen

<scribe> ACTION: jdebruij2 to check Axel's text for action-542 (rif:text moving to two argument constructor) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/15-rif-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-545 - Check Axel's text for action-542 (rif:text moving to two argument constructor) [on Jos de Bruijn - due 2008-07-22].

5. AOB

Adrian: need to find a way to integrate javascript code in the final UCR version for the highlighting buttons
... it is in the Wiki version and works there but doesn't survive the translation

csma: will check with Sandro

+1 adjorn

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: csma to ask Sandro to do the new freezes as soon as FLD is ready to freeze [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/15-rif-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: jdebruij2 to check Axel's text for action-542 (rif:text moving to two argument constructor) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/15-rif-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Jos to check Axel's text for action-542 (rif:text moving to two argument constructor) [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/15-rif-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/07/15 15:59:23 $