Re: [PRD] Issues to resolve before publication (NAU)

It might be clearer if it is correct :-)

Christian de Sainte Marie wrote:
> <Forall>
>    <declare>
>       <Var> ?x </Var>
>    <pattern> ?x#Fish and ?x[color->yellow; type->angel] </pattern>
>    <formula>
>       <Implies>
>          <then> (if-part empty and, thus, omitted)
>             <Retract> ?x </Retract>
> (we did not decide the syntax for deleting an object yet, but it could 
> be to retract the variable that is bound to it)
>             <Assert>...
> (same: we did not decide on the syntax for creating an object yet).


Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2008 14:06:51 UTC