Re: ISSUE-43 ISSUE 41 - Proposed resolution for membership and classification

Chris Welty wrote:
> Proposed: Close Issue-41 by including in BLD membership formulae of the 
> form c rif:type a.  In the RDF compatibility document, rif:type will be 
> defined to be equivalent to rdf:type.

An issue to take into account in discussing this is whether and how it 
would impact Dave's use case for the membership formula [1].



I have another, different but somewhat similar use case, that is not 
made but was submitted to me by somebody from MISMO. The question was 
how a "not exists" condition could be handle in RIF, and the example was 
the following rule:

IF         <LoanPurpose>.Type = Refinance
            AND NOT EXISTS <REOProperty> with SubjectIndicator=”Y”
             Set Action -- DataValidation = Fail

Of course, it is rather a PRD example, but we should preferably have 
only one membership relation, if we need it in both BLD and PRD.

Knowing that the MISMO schema (xxx) contains the following type definitions:

<xs:complexType name="AUS_LOAN_APPLICATION_Type">
	<xs:element name="REO_PROPERTY"
                     type="AUS_REO_PROPERTY_Type" minOccurs="0"
<xs:simpleType name="AUS_MISMOIndicatorType">
	<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>

I proposed that the RIF equivalent could be something like:

Forall ?loanApplication
If NOT(Exists ?reoProperty
                    # mismo: AUS_LOAN_APPLICATION_Type^^rif:iri
then ...

where the reference to REO_PROPERTY and @_SubjectIndicator are XPath-like.

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 15:51:31 UTC