limited negative guards for static OWL RL ruleset

I was thinking a bit more about the problem of the negative guards and
the static rule set we wish to provide for OWL RL.
We established that without negative guards, we cannot provide a finite
static ruleset, because the rules would depend on the literals actually
being used in the ontology.

Now, a property of the OWL 2 language is that there is a strict
separation between the object and data domains, both in the syntax and
the semantics.  For example, it is not possible to assert that an IRI is
a member of a datatype, nor is it possible to assert equality between
and IRI and a concrete data value.
Most importantly, the values of object properties can only be IRIs and
the values of data properties can only be literals. And, in OWL 2 RL we
only need to take individuals into account that are explicitly
represented using IRI or literals.

Therefore, a statement like t[rdf:type -> DT], where DT is a datatype
can never be derived if t is not a literal.  Consequently, we only need
to do type checking of the form at the bottom of section 4.4.2 of [1]
for literal values.

So, I believe that a restricted form kind of negative guard, namely one
that is restricted to the domain of literals (e.g.,
isNonIntegerLiteral), is sufficient for this static ruleset.

Best, Jos

Jos de Bruijn  
No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of
his own mistakes deserves to be called a
  - Donald Foster

Received on Friday, 19 December 2008 14:59:25 UTC