RIF+OWL coordination telecon

We'll meet Thursday, 11 December, at Noon Boston time (8am San
Francisco, 5pm London, 6pm Paris).  More details to follow.

    -- Sandro

> The chairs of RIF-WG and OWL-WG want a joint telecon, with folks
> attending from each WG, to try to scope and plan coordination work,
> such as:
>    -- getting the supported datatypes to be the same and/or explaining
>       any differences
>    -- making sure OWL-RL is implementable with a  RIF-Core
>       ruleset, and providing that ruleset
>    -- updating http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-rdf-owl/ for OWL 2
> Let's try for next week.  If this is a meeting you think you should
> attend (esp after talking with the chairs), please fill out this form,
> to indicate when you're available:
>    http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/rif-owl-coord/
> We're talking one meeting, during the week of Dec 8-12.

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 19:13:13 UTC