Re: AW: [RIF-Test] RIF Test Cases

Stella Mitchell wrote:
>  > What we currently have is a format to describe test cases on the  
>  > WIKI which is mostly intended for human readers.
> I think it's more accurate to say that the format on the wiki (really,
> the files that the wiki display will be translated into) are intended
> to be machine readable and are intended to be executed (to aid in
> conformance evaluation). But in order to run them in an automated way,
> the testers will need to design and implement their own test harnesses.
> Also, to express additional test types we don't currently have, we will
> need to define more metadata properties and values (though you say metadata
> may not be enough to express all additional test types we might want)
> This clarification doesn't contradict the rest of what you say though.

Seems reasonable to me. I see no particular problem in defining a 
metadata vocabulary to express the test cases as RIF metadata.

Is there a specific example test which illustrates the sort of 
information needed to drive a test harness but is not expressible via a 
metadata vocabulary?


> Stella
> *"Adrian Paschke" <>*
> 08/14/2008 07:05 PM
> To
> 	Chris Welty <>,
> cc
>,, Stella 
> Mitchell/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
> Subject
> 	Re: AW: [RIF-Test] RIF Test Cases
>  > I see what you mean now.  On the telecon I thought you were talking 
> about
>  > designing a test-cases dialect for a rule language that is more 
> expressive
>  > than
>  > BLD. Really you mean, I think, a set of standard meta-data 
> "properties" to
>  > hold
>  > the test-case manifest.
>  >
> Yes and no. What we currently have is a format to describe test cases on 
> the WIKI which is mostly intended for human readers. What I would 
> additionally envision is to represent test cases directly in RIF so that 
> they can be interchanged together with a RIF rule program/rule set. Test 
> cases can then be used by automated tools to e.g.:
> 1. verify the syntax of the interchange RIF program (producer side test)
> 2. verify the execution environment, i.e. test that the consumer side 
> can correctly translate, interpret and execute the received RIF program
> 3. validate that the RIF program covers the unit tests (producer tests, 
> e.g. for test-driven engineering of RIF programs, consumer tests to 
> validate that the (application specific) semantics of the received 
> program and the rule engine comply)
> The test cases described on the WIKI are based on templates such as 
> which 
> use a set of standard properties defined in 
> Some of these 
> properties like author, discussion etc. are more informative (could be 
> part of the manifest file), others like e.g. test type, dialect, 
> premise, conclusion contain important semantic information which is need 
> to correctly execute a test case.  
> So, if we want to represent test cases directly in RIF we need to add 
> this information to a RIF document, either as additional meta data, e.g. 
> to distinguish facts from queries and conclusions or we would need new 
> XML constructs or attributes, e.g. for conclusions, queries, variable 
> bindings, expected result of a test (positive entailment or negative 
> entailment) etc.
> But let's start simple and first collect positive entailment tests which 
> demonstrate BLD and DTB.
> Some example test cases for BLD (positive entailment test cases) can be 
> found here
> - Adrian
> -- 
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Received on Friday, 15 August 2008 11:18:00 UTC