[RIF-Test] RIF Test Cases

Dear All,

With respect to our actions 548 and 549 we would like to discuss the following questions in tomorrow's telecon.

1. Categories and types of test cases for RIF

-          Which types of test cases do we need for RIF?
-          What it the purpose of the different types?
-          Test suites, e.g. for the different RIF dialects, built-ins and
functions of DTB, RIF use cases and requirements of UCR

see http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Test#Categories_of_RIF_Test_Cases
and test cases discussion page

2. Normative or Not; Conformance suite or informative?

- Are test cases normative and if yes which categories / types are normative
which not?
- What does it mean to be conformant to the "normative" RIF tests?

The RIF charter requires us to deliver test cases which reflect issue resolution and  which aid  in conformance evaluation see

3. What does it mean to say that a RIF test is passed?

- Do we say it passes if  (a) we can express this premise, and (b) the
semantics entails that all models that satisfy the premise satisfy the conclusion
    ---- in BLD?
    ---- in all dialects of RIF?
    ---  in all languages that we expect can be translated into RIF or dialects of RIF?

4. Presentation and representation of RIF test cases and test suites

-  Formal representation
-  Concrete XML-based RIF syntax
-  Human-oriented presentation syntax

see http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/TCS#RIF_test_case_structure
and the RIF Test Case Format
http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Test_Case_Format for the existing test
case examples on the test case category page

5. Process of collection and releasing test cases in the RIF working group

- Shall we solicit test cases from the community or only the RIF working
- Setup a repository for RIF test cases, like:
http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/ or (re-)use the WIKI
- In which format do we accept test case submissions (to maximize
participation, we might not insist on a particular format, but might accept
test cases in various formats, even in natural language).
- How do we approve test cases, e.g. like in the OWL working group


Best Regards,

 Adrian, Stella, Leora

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Received on Monday, 11 August 2008 20:24:44 UTC