Re: ACTION-157 completed

one and for all.
A more prolog-like way to say this is

	Approved[] :- 
 	 Exists ?increment ?score (
  	  And (   	   
    	   ?score = &sum(&findall(?increment,ScoreIncrement[value->?increment]))
     	   &numeric-greater-then(?score 300) ))

where findall returns a list of ?increment bindings and sum adds them up.

Ginsberg, Allen wrote:

>Hi Gary,
>Nice work on this example!  
>I am just a bit confused about how aggregation is to be understood in
>the RIF rule:
>	Approved[] :- 
> 	 Exists ?increment ?score (
>  	  And (
>   	   ScoreIncrement[value->?increment]
>    	   ?score = &SUM(?increment)
>     	   &numeric-greater-then(?score 300) ))
>Suppose there are 3 ScoreIncrement facts.  Would the aggregation be
>performed "once and for all", so to speak, in a single evaluation of
>the above rule? Or would 3 separate evaluations of the rule be
>required? Or to put it another way, how would the 3
>ScoreIncrement[value->...] facts be bound to the variable ?increment ?
>Dr. Allen Ginsberg,       Lead Engineer
>The MITRE Corporation     Information Semantics Group
>Voice: 703-983-1604       7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305 
>Fax:   703-983-1379       McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA 
>	From:
>[] On Behalf Of Gary Hallmark
>	Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 6:10 PM
>	To: W3C RIF WG
>	Subject: ACTION-157 completed
>	Please see
>	-- 
>	Oracle <> 
>	Gary Hallmark | Architect | +1.503.525.8043
>	Oracle Server Technologies
>	1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
>	Portland, OR 97204 


Oracle <>
Gary Hallmark | Architect | +1.503.525.8043
Oracle Server Technologies
1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
Portland, OR 97204

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 21:40:13 UTC