Re: Using declarative rules for MISMO ?

Sandro Hawke wrote:

>If the rules are all known in advance of some processing
>point, however, then I think it's easy enough to chain them together
>into a purely declarative structure. 
The problem is that there will be one rule somewhere that computes the 
final score by adding together some partial scores.  This makes rulebase 
maintenance more difficult because if you add a new rule, you also have 
to modify an existing rule to "plug it in" to the summation.  This is 
counter to the value proposition of business rules. It would be much 
better to have a SUM built in, like SQL, that could be defined in terms 
of the more general find-all. This poses difficulties for Core's 
monotonic semantics.  But it seems clear that we need to start thinking 
about syntactic extensions/user-defined built ins that require 
nonmonotonic semantic extensions.


Oracle <>
Gary Hallmark | Architect | +1.503.525.8043
Oracle Server Technologies
1211 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800
Portland, OR 97204

Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 16:56:52 UTC