Re: Approaching an XML syntax for RIF

> > In this case, the "Address"
> > stripe is redundant if it's known that the range of the "shipTo"
> > property is "Address".
> What if the desired value for shipTo is an instance of a subclass of
> Address, e.g. HomeAddress or BusinessAddress?

Then you can't skip the stripe.    (At least not with the kind of stripe
skipping I think we should use.  In theory you could construct a system
where such stripes could be skipped if the class information were
derivable from property information, I think.)

> Is stripe-skipping dynamic (i.e. based on the data) or static (i.e. based on
> the ontology/schema)?

It's always based on the ontology/schema, but in the dynamic case it's
also based on the data.   I mentioned <Var> inside <declare> as an
example where you could skip a stripe dynamically -- but I recommend
against RIF doing that, since it makes everything more complicated.

A related question would be: is it okay in RIF (given the asn06 in the
last e-mail) to have a <Condition> element?  Or do you always have to
use the leaves of the subclass tree -- always say <Atom>, <And>,
<Exists>, or <Equals> ?   My intuition is to stick with the leaves, but
there might be trees where that's not what you want.

     -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 04:18:56 UTC