- From: Boley, Harold <Harold.Boley@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>
- Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:54:14 -0500
- To: "Dave Reynolds" <der@hplb.hpl.hp.com>, "RIF" <public-rif-wg@w3.org>
> RIF Base is a RIF Dialect which we define in phase 1: Let me suggest, to avoid confusion, to keep the term "RIF Core" for that core dialect, and come up with a new term such as Michael's term "RIF Foundation" for what appeals to you. -- Harold -----Original Message----- From: public-rif-wg-request@w3.org [mailto:public-rif-wg-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Dave Reynolds Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:12 AM To: RIF Subject: Thoughts on RIF core, dialects, conformance In preparation for the discussion I see on the agenda for today I tried to get the current status a little clearer in my own head. This may not be accurate nor useful for others but just in case ... ** Summary of issues o There will be many different forms of tools working with RIF - editors, pretty printers, rule engines etc. Here we're only going to talk about RIF rule engines by which we mean a combination of a rule engine for some existing language plus a translator which translates between a fragment of that language and a RIF dialect. o We have at least two notions of how a given RIF rule engine might conform to a RIF dialect. I think Michael calls these "conforms" and "implements"; I'll use "complies" and "implements" to avoid prejudging the definition of "conformance". o A RIF rule engine complies with RIF dialect D if there is a 1-1 semantics-preserving mapping from the engine's language (L) into (not necessarily onto) D. Where "semantic-preserving" might mean preserving the set of atomic consequences of all translated rulesets. o A RIF rule engine implements a RIF dialect D if there is a reverse mapping from D into L which preserves semantics. So the engine implements all of D, correctly. o Some people expect RIF conformance to mean both "complies" and "implements". So if A and B both claim full conformance with D then any rule set in LA can be correctly translated into D and then into LB and vice versa. Let's call this "strong interoperation". Though note that LA is just the fragment of A's native language implemented by the RIF translator for dialect D, both A and B's native languages may still have "proprietary" features which are outside of D. o Some people expect RIF conformance to mean "complies". For any engine A which complies with D you also need to know the subset of D which it covers. Two implementations can interoperate in the strong sense above only over the intersection of the features of D they cover. An engine which compiles with D but does not implement D may raise an exception when given a ruleset which uses a feature it doesn't handle. o RIF Core is the base of all RIF dialects. If this is thought of as the intersection of all RIF dialects then any engine that implements a RIF dialect implements RIF Core. There has been some argument that if the set of RIF dialects includes a reasonable subset of the existing rule languages then that intersection is nearly empty or at least too weak to be of use to anyone. o The specific issue that triggered a lot of this is the extent to which existing production rule engines can implement recursive Horn rules and so whether RIF Core should be RIF-Horn-without-recursion. Given a target query pattern (or some other context of use information) then a PR RIF translator can implement recursive horn rules but may be non-terminating for unrestricted queries. So either RIF has to convey that context of use, or the issue of ruleset termination is outside of RIF conformance, or we need some other notion of RIF Core. ** Discussion I'm sympathetic to the desire for strong interoperation, implementing not just complying with RIF dialects. If everyone implements different subsets of a dialect then navigating that space will be hard. I'm sympathetic to the desire for there to be at least one simple RIF dialect which lots of people, not necessarily everyone, could implement. I can see the argument that the intersection of all reasonable RIF Dialects may be empty. There are various possible solutions to this involving profiles, extension by restriction and so on. However one approach which seems to be implicit in the discussion intuitively appeals to me, viz. to change the notion of RIF Core so that it is no longer a dialect. In this approach RIF core defines: - an extensible abstract syntax for rules - a semantics (which may be parametrized, for example in the way Hassan's CLP suggestions are flexible in choice of constraint language) - a library of datatypes and associated functions, operators and builtin predicates All RIF conformant engines would comply with RIF Core. A RIF Dialect: - starts from RIF Core - it may select a subset of features - it instantiates it (defines appropriate sorts, if RIF Core is based on CLP then it specifies a constraint language, etc) - it may extend it using the syntax extension hooks and providing semantics for the extensions A RIF engine may implement a RIF Dialect. RIF Base is a RIF Dialect which we define in phase 1: - it is an instantiation of RIF Core as above - it is intended to be implementable by an interesting range of rule systems and provide strong interoperability between them - it is largely Horn with functions - it could be Horn without recursive rules if we want it to be implementable by a wide range of production engines - it could be Horn without functions if we want it to be implementable by Datalog engines We hope that many RIF dialects will be extensions of RIF base but do not require all to be. In this nomenclature the architecture document proposed by the chairs [1] becomes a description of RIF Core. The details are lacking and the names might be bad (perhaps the names should be RIF Architecture, RIF Dialect and RIF Core) but is something along these lines at all reasonable? Dave [1] http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Arch
Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2007 15:54:26 UTC