[CORE] suggestions for assumptions for CORE doc

Per F2F5 day1 am Core discussion.


The following terms / uses of terms in the RIF Core Design draft would,
I feel, benefit of a longer explained more for a wider audience, for
example in an Assumptions section at the start..


Note these could be summarized / link to other explanations elsewhere...


1.	Rule bodies (abstract para2). 

	a.	Problem: Rule terminology here should be introduced or
referenced. For example, in PR you have LHS + RHS, or conditions and
actions, not rule bodies+heads.
	b.	Suggest: "the generic rule structure is of a rule head
and a rule body, where the rule body is conditional. The Core Condition
Language is defined in a first step to represent the conditions in the
rule body."

2.	Dialect is rule language (abstract para2, RIF overview para 2).

	a.	Problem: we move from talking about interchange format
to a language instance
	b.	Suggest: "the interchange format for Horn rules can
itself be considered a Horn rule language: the default usage of the term
Horn rule language is meant to represent the interchange format for Horn
rule languages, as well as being a rule language in its own right."

3.	Webization / web language (RIF Overview para 6)

	a.	Problem: connotation of a language suitable only for web
or semantic web use
	b.	Suggest: "Note that the Core Design assumes usage for
RIF across the web, as well as other (non-web) uses. For this reason it
is considered a "web language" compatible with web technologies,
although it is an explicit requirement to support other uses too. "


Paul Vincent

TIBCO - ETG/Business Rules 



Received on Monday, 26 February 2007 17:11:43 UTC