Late CORE review mostly on syntax issues


I've seen lot of interessting comments beeing done on this draft

Let me add my contributions, there will be mostly around syntax.

It miss a couple of parenthesis right after URIs
and (


=== Content ===
==== EBNF without apparent spaces ====
I'm not found of the proposed form of EBNF
Even if it become difficult to read, we SHOULD say where the spaces
are allowed and where they are not

==== Ambiguousity ====
The syntax is clearly ambiguous
I fear it would need a difficult to write (and maintain) parser with
an important LookAhead

Example :
'_'SORTNAME is the beginning of Const or Var depending on the next
character (" or ?)

There need to be proposed a clear definition of CONSTNAME : for the
moment it is clear that CONSTNAME cannot be equal to a reserved word,
cannot start by ?, _, (, ), and "

I think it should be worth thinking to start reserved words by a
particular prefix
The reserved word list is for the moment
"And", "Or", "Exists", "Const", "ForAll", "if", "then"

What is the Meaning and use cases for empty Or(), And() and Const() ?

In some places in the document ForAll is also spelled FORALL : isn't
it case sensitive ?

Why do we have 'Exists' Var+, but 'ForAll' Var* ? what is the use case
for a ForAll without vars ?

The EBNF extension for introducing of "if" and "then" construct is absent

The DTD is proposing a "type" attribute but it is spelled "sortal" in the spec

===== DateTime=====
Here is an excerp of the definition of DateTime

<< dateTime. This sort contains constants of the form
_dateTime"SYYYY-NN-DDTHH:MM:SS.sZHH:MM", where YYYY represents the
year with an optional minus sign S in front, NN represents a month in
the range of 1..12, and DD represents the day of that month. The
subsequent part HH:MM:SS.s represents time and is optional (see the
description of time). The part that follows time, ZHH:MM represents
the time zone. Here Z is a sign (+ or -), HH represents the difference
in hours and MM in minutes.

The symbols -, :, and . are part of the syntax. dateTime is also
allowed to have the form _dateTime"SYYYY-NN-DDTHH:MM:SS.sZ. Here the
last Z is part of the syntax.

It have been forgot to precise that the T letter is part of the syntax

It seems unhappy to have S and SS have different meaning and further
more to have HH and MM have two different kind of value

=== Naïve question ===
Why a Uniterms ( Const() ) cannot be typed ?
example _integer#Const(...)

Best regards,

Innovimax SARL
Consulting, Training & XML Development
9, impasse des Orteaux
75020 Paris
Tel : +33 8 72 475787
Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
RCS Paris 488.018.631
SARL au capital de 10.000 €

Received on Saturday, 24 February 2007 12:40:26 UTC