Re: [TED] Core Overview Section and Validation Appendix Added

Adrian, addressing just two of your comments.

> I don't agree. If there are two different roles for the terms involved 
> in the equality then they are different. We need to distinguish between 
> the left part and the right part just if we consider to use the equality 
> in a non-commutative way (as an assignment, for example).

Let's not get carried away. We are talking logic, not Pascal.
What assignment are you talking about in logic?

> Another comment on semantics: TV is a partial order so I believe this 
> prepares the future extensions including the management of uncertain 
> information. This approach seems to be not a fuzzy one (using different 
> implications like Goguen, Lukasiewicz etc). Is  this true? Anyway for me 
> this is the right direction. May be some people can comment on that.

I think this doesn't preclude fuzzy implication. The order can be total
(partial doesn't preclude total). Of course, the notion of truth value of a
rule will be different, but it will still be an extension of the core.


Received on Saturday, 17 February 2007 04:50:10 UTC