Re: Another try at subclass

Dave Reynolds wrote:
> Axel Polleres wrote:
>> Chris Welty wrote:
>>> </chair>
>>> Back in August I proposed a "friendly amendment" for the 
>>> rif:subClassOf relation (aka ##) saying that:
>>> rif:subClassOf rdfs:subproperty rdfs:subClassOf .
>> that would mean that each rif:subClassOf should be a rdf:subClassOf...
>> aehm... shouldn't it be - if any - just the other way around?
>> rdfs:subClassOf is more specific.
> I don't think so. The original objection to using rdfs:subClassOf was 
> the reflexivity. This permits rif:subClassof to not be reflexive.

but rdfs:subclass implies all kinds of other things wwhich we don't want 
to be implied necessarily for rif:subClassOf on the other hand, right?


a rdfs:subClassOf b . x rdf:type a.

RDFS-entails (even RDF entails)

x rdf:type a.

Do we also want:

a rif:subClassOf b . x rdf:type b.


x rdf:type b. ??

(instead of *only*)

If so, we also want to make

rif:memberOf rdfs:subClassOf rdf:type


just for clarification...


Dr. Axel Polleres
email:  url:

rdf:Resource owl:differentFrom xsd:anyURI .

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 16:19:21 UTC