Re: draft of the Core doesn't come up

> I tried to do a search on the rif core draft, and it doesn't come up.

In what way are you searching?  It's the first hit, for me, when I
google for: rif core

> Also, it doesn't appear among the documents on our own web site:

Ooops!   Sorry, fixed.

(The site design has turned out to not fit very well the way the group
is working -- and I have an action item to make some improvements -- but
I've at least added Core to the list of documents.)

> Even the UCR draft that appears there doesn't seem to be the latest one.

the "Use Cases and Requirements" link I see goes to
which is set up to always return the latest published draft,
which happens to be the 10 July one, still.

      -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 17:44:56 UTC