Re: [RIF] homework for 10/17 telecon

Dear all,

Francis McCabe wrote:

> Gerd:
>  Looking at the example XML encoding, I would predict that you would  
> have some trouble representing generic or polymorphically typed  
> entities.
>  Can you show how you would encode:
>  concat:[list[t],list[t]]=>list[t].
>  concat([],L)=>L.
>  concat([E,..L],M)=>[E,..concat(L,M)].
> (This is a function, but cold easily be expressed using predications.)
> Frank
The standard append Prolog predicate is expressed by two derivation rules.


append([X|L1],L2,[X|L12])  :- append(L1,L2,L12). 

We need just a built-in function i.e. the list constructor and a 
GenericEntityName i.e. the empty list.
In R2ML this it will be:









    <r2ml:GenericAtom r2ml:predicateID="append">


       <r2ml:GenericEntityName r2ml:genericEntityID="ns:emptyList"/>

       <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L"/>

       <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L"/>








   append([X|L1],L2,[X|L12]):- append(L1,L2,L12). 




    <r2ml:GenericAtom r2ml:predicateID="append">


       <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L1"/>

       <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L2"/>

       <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L12"/>





     <r2ml:GenericAtom r2ml:predicateID="append">


        <r2ml:GenericFunctionTerm r2ml:genericFunctionID="ns:list_constructor">


            <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="H"/>

            <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L1"/>         



        <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L2"/> 

        <r2ml:GenericFunctionTerm r2ml:genericFunctionID="ns:list_constructor">   


        <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="H"/>

            <r2ml:GenericVariable r2ml:name="L12"/>         








-Adrian Giurca

> On Oct 17, 2006, at 6:20 AM, Gerd Wagner wrote:
>>> We expect to plan the bulk of the next telecon discussing the  
>>> technical
>>> proposal [], especially the
>>> syntax.
>> Here is a proposal how to extend it in order to accommodate typing.
>> -Gerd
>> <REWERSE RIF Condition Language Extension Proposal.html>

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2006 14:24:30 UTC