Re: [RIF] homework for 10/17 telecon

Another one:

"When conditions are used as queries, their free variables are to be 
bound to carry the answer bindings back to the caller."

I have some small concerns here, at the very least for future extensions:
Imagine we allow SPARQL graph patterns as conditions/bodies.

By the above sentence alone, we forbid this upfront, at least we cannot 
take into account any graph patterns which potentially return only 
partial bindings (OPTIONAL/UNION).

This could be kept general by changing as follows:

"When conditions are used as queries, their free variables are to be 
(partially) bound to carry the answer bindings back to the caller."

to be discussed...


Dr. Axel Polleres
email:  url:

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2006 11:10:56 UTC