Re: [RIF] homework for 10/17 telecon

> > To prepare, please try to use the XML syntax to encode some 
> > rules.  If you 
> > find you need something that is not in the syntax, please 
> > note it and be prepared to discuss it.  
> Of course, everyone will easily find many things that are 
> "not in the syntax", because the proposed syntax covers only 
> a minimum core (and is in this limited form not useful for any 
> real interchange).
> > If the syntax is acceptable (it has been there 
> > for some time), we will decide at this telecon to accept it 
> > as our syntax.
> What do you mean with "our syntax"? Clearly this core syntax
> proposal will have to be extended/modified in many ways.
> Especially typing of terms and atoms will be an essential
> issue for any practical interchange (as we have experienced
> in our REWERSE research project on rule modeling and markup

I'm sure Chris meant his terms to be understood in the context of the
current Working Group situation -- namely being in Phase 1.  So the
phrase, "If you find you need something that is not in the syntax"
means, "If you need the Phase 1 syntax to be different from this", etc.

The question might be rephrased: does the proposed syntax work as an
extensible base?

    -- Sandro

Received on Saturday, 14 October 2006 22:33:37 UTC