[RIF] Agenda 28 Mar RIF Telecon *WARNING* time changed!!!!

AGENDA Teleconference
W3C Rules Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group
28 March 2006
1600 UTC, 0800 (West US) 1100 (East US) 1700 (London) 1800 (Paris),
                                           ^             ^
*WARNING* Summer time in Europe __________|_____________|

North America changes to summer time one week later than Europe. As a 
consequence, *this week only*, the telecon will be 1 hour later than 
usual in Europe.

We propose to have a shorter meeting, *this week only*.
Duration: 60 min

*TOPICS for this meeting*
1. Admin
2. F2F Meetings
	- Approval of F2F2 minutes
	- MITRE proposal for F2F4
3. Liaisons
4. Use Cases and Requirements
    - Methodology for gathering/analysing requirements
    - Discussion of specific design constraints
5. Technical Design
    - Designing for extensibility
6. AOB

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 74394# ('RIFWG')
IRC Chat: irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665), #rif
Web-based IRC (member-only): [http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc]
Meeting Wiki: [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/2006-03-28_Meeting]


Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie
Scribe: TBD
See Scribes List [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/ScribesList]

Please note that RIF WG telecons are for for attendance
only by Working Group Participants and guests invited
by the chairs.

1. ADMIN (10 min)

Roll call (please read before telecon the following)
RIF Regrets Policy:
Using Zakim:
Telecon Etiquette:

Next Meeting: 4 April (usual time and duration!)

PROPOSED: accept minutes of last meeting

Agenda amendments

2. F2F Meetings (5 minutes)

PROPOSED: accept minutes of F2F2 meeting
F2F3 Web page: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/F2F3

Discussion of F2F4 options
- MITRE proposal 

3. Liaison (5 min)

Review active liaisons:
SPARQL (W3C) - Enrico Franconi
XQuery, XPath (W3C) - Massimo Marchiori
Common Logic (ISO) - Bill Andersen & Chris Menzel
PRR (OMG) - Paul Vincent
SBVR (OMG) - Donald Chapin
ODM (OMG) - Elisa Kendall

4. Use Case & Requirements (20 min)

Wiki Page:
Working draft:

  - Review actions:
[NEW] ACTION: ChrisW tell commonlogic about UCR pub [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: csma to publicise to Java Rules [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: John Hall to publicise to BR community [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: JosB to publicise to SPARQL [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: Paul, Donald and Lisa to publicize WD within the standards 
you represent [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: Sandro to set up a wiki page to record dissemination 
actions [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/21-rif-minutes.html#action12]

  - Followup to publication
  - Methodology for cllecting/analysing requirements/design constraints
  - Discuss specific design constraints
Wiki page http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Design_Constraints

5. Technical Design (15 min)

  - Review actions:
[NEW] ACTION: chair to put design for extensibility and discussion of 
proposals on agenda for next telecon [recorded in 

  - discuss extensibility mechanism

7. AOB (5 min)

  - review actions:
[PENDING] ACTION: Chris to start email discussion about what issues are 
"fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 [recorded in 

Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 14:57:46 UTC