[UCR] Managing Inter-Organizational Business Policies & Practices: Edited Version.

John, Don, and Said, (and other RIFERs)

I have edited your revised use-case to make it more compliant with the
style and length of the other use-cases as presented in section 2 of
the UCR document.   In doing so I pared it down quite a bit and also
changed the details of the scenario.  I decided to focus on one set of
rules in the EU-Rent scenario and pursue that part to a conclusion that
is in line with a key design goal implied by your requirements, viz.
RIF metadata or meta-level concepts can/should be used to extend the
domain of interchangeable rules to include rules of a human-machine
interactive nature.   The best thing is to read the edited version at


I relabelled the version you submitted earlier today as 


so it is still viewable from the main UCR page.

Please let me know what you think,




Dr. Allen Ginsberg        The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics 
aginsberg@mitre.org       Center for Innovative Computing & Informatics

Voice: 703-983-1604       7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305 
Fax:   703-983-1379       McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA 

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 00:23:28 UTC