[RIF][Admin] Agenda RIF telecon 7 March 2006

AGENDA Teleconference
W3C Rules Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group
7 March 2006, 1600 UTC
0800 (West US)
1100 (East US)
1600 (London)
1700 (Paris),
Duration: 90 min

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 74394# ('RIFWG')
IRC Chat: irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665), #rif
Web-based IRC (member-only): [http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc]
Meeting Wiki: [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/2006-03-07_Meeting]


Chair: Chris Welty
Scribe: Benjamin Grosof (alternates: Bijan Parsia, Chris Menzel, Dan 
Connolly, Dieter Fensel, ...)
See Scribes List [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/ScribesList]

Please note that RIF WG telecons are for for attendance
only by Working Group Participants and guests invited
by the chairs.

1. ADMIN (10 min)

Roll call (please read before telecon the following)
RIF Regrets Policy:
Using Zakim:
Telecon Etiquette:

PROPOSED: accept minutes of last meeting

Agenda amendments

2. Next F2F (5 min)

RESOLVED: to have next F2F Montenegro either June 8-9 or June 9-10

RESOLVED: to have WBS vote per organization

ACTION: Sandro to organize such WBS vote

ACTION: AxelP to set up logistics F2F page

Action on Peter P-S: make proposal on Wiki for F2F at ISWC, Athens, Nov 2006

Decision re place and date

3. Liaison (5 min)

Review active liaisons:
SPARQL (W3C) - Enrico Franconi
XQuery, XPath (W3C) - Massimo Marchiori
Common Logic (ISO) - Bill Andersen & Chris Menzel
PRR (OMG) - Paul Vincent
SBVR (OMG) - Donald Chapin
ODM (OMG) - Elisa Kendall

4. Use Case & Requirements (30 min)

Wiki Page: [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/Use_Cases]
Wiki draft: 

[CONTINUED] ACTION: Axel, Dieter, Jos: to review the Requirements 
(http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Requirements) and comment 
them. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action04]

[CONTINUED] ACTION: Chris Welty will come up with another example 
narrative for a RichKR use case [recorded in 

[CONTINUED] ACTION: csma will incite data access discussion on mailing 
list. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action08]

[NEW] ACTION: Allen to respond to "Third Party" comments [recorded in 

[NEW] ACTION: Chris to respond to RichKR comments [recorded in 
[NEW] ACTION: Christian to respond to "Publication" comments [recorded 
in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action24]

[NEW] ACTION: Ed to synthesize comments on Coverage by Friday and 
propose ways to answer the comments [recorded in 

[NEW] ACTION: FrankMcCabe to respond to "Information Integration" 
comments [recorded in 

[NEW] ACTION: Leora to respond to "Decision Support" comments [recorded 
in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action14]

[NEW] ACTION: paula to clarify list of requirements taking comments into 
account [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action19]

[NEW] ACTION: Paula to respond to "Policy-Based..." comments [recorded 
in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action21]

[NEW] ACTION: PaulV to respond to "Cross-Platform..." comments [recorded 
in http://www.w3.org/2006/02/21-rif-minutes.html#action22]

[NEW] ACTION: Said to respond to Human rules comments [recorded in 

[NEW] ACTION: Said to rspond to "Third Party" comments [recorded in 

Actions to PaulV - modify UC 2.3, new title ("Negotiating e-Busines 
Contracts across Rule Platforms") and
different description

Action on UC&R editors - change title of 2.4 to Disclosing and 
Negotiating Buyer and Seller Policies and Preferences in eCommerce 

ACTION on PFPS - ask Ian to make changes to use case RichKR ( remove 
uncle example and replace with brain anatomy example; make title be 
Interchanging rule extensions to OWL - A Brain Anatomy Research Example)

ACTION on FranckMcCabe - remove data integration from 2.1, retitle 
(Access to Business Rules of Supply Chain Partners), and revise, 
ensuring that there are rules there

ACTION on Sandro - add new use case about data integration (title: 
"Vocabularly Mapping for Data Integration")

ACTION on Allan as editor of UCR - remove 2.6

ACTION on Chris: tell Leora to make changes to 2.2 (change title to 
Ruleset integration for Medical Decision Support, drop e-learning, 
concentrate on prescription part (and extend slightly)

ACTION on John, Don, Said - Retitle UC "Managing Inter-Organizational 
Business Policies and Practices" and rewrite

Discussion (Allen & David)
- UC as revised by March 6, 2006
- Editors' draft due March 8, 2006
- Review and approval process before release of 1st public WD
- Next steps (Requirements and Design Goals)

Action on Christian: create new Wiki page for requirements

5. Classification (15 min)

[CONTINUED] ACTION: Chris to start email discussion about what issues
are "fuzzy" wrt phase 1 & 2 [recorded in

[NEW] ACTION: JeffP, Hassan to review RAF page.

Discussion (ChrisW)

Wiki page

6. OWL & RDF Compatibility (20 min)

Wiki pages

[CONTINUED] ACTION: csma: will send an email to make a distinction 
between OWL and RIF roles [recorded in 

7. AOB (5 min)

- Roadmap

ACTION: Frank to make his point about semantics of production rules on 
the mailing list

ACTION: Harold to explain technically the basis
for interoperation between PR and Horn rules

Received on Monday, 6 March 2006 16:59:09 UTC