Re: exchanging OWL through RIF

>> >Now, the charter talks about FOL rule languages and there will be a 
need to
>> >devise a RIF encoding for something like SWRL. But I doubt that it 
>> >look like a translation into FOL (one that extends the usual 
>> >from DL to FOL).
>> Prolly not.
>> Bottom line is that there *are* (a few, experimental) systems that have 

>> proceeded via a translation of OWL DL to FOL, with surprisingly good 
>> (KAON2 also works this way, since it hits disjunctive datalog via the 
>> translation...however, that's far far far from a transliterate and go 
> It is one thing to translate in order to implement and another in order 
> exchange. For the latter, translating into FOL would be useless, I 

Using a more expressive language to implement less expressive
ones is indeed doable and I have done some test cases written
in OWL+N3 and been running with prover9 and E theorem prover.
That works pretty well, but is not what I do when I can use
for instance SQL and Prolog engines or SPARQL and N3 engines.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 4 March 2006 11:11:42 UTC