Re: Draft W3C RIF WG minutes 2006-01-25

Christian de Sainte Marie wrote:

>> No liaison reports from [...] PRR (OMG) - Paul Vincent
>PaulV reported that PRR submitted a revised draft on Jan. 23. Somebody 
>(Sandro, probably) said that, thanks to an agreement with OMG, W3C 
>member had access to OMG WIP (and, thus, to that revised draft) even if 
>they were not OMG member. Somebody said, as a conclusion, that he would 
>send out something: could be Paul saying that he would circulate the URL 
>for the document or Sandro saying that he would circulate the info on 
>how W3C member can access OMG documents, I do not remember.

Try for retrieving the latest
PRR submission.  If that doesn't work for everyone in the RIFwg then we 
may need to put a copy in the member-only web-space of the W3C to enable
RIFwg member access.  If nothing else, I could email it as an attachment to
the private RIFwg list, then people could grab it from the archive.


Received on Thursday, 26 January 2006 17:32:39 UTC