Minutes Telecon, 10 January 2006

Find the draft minutes attached. Sorry for the delay, there were some 
permission problems with the rrsagent-minutes link.

best regards,
Axel Polleres
- Draft Minutes -

RIF Telecon 2006-10-01

10 Jan 2006

* Attendees (in order of appearance)
    Leora Morgenstern
    fgm, , [NRCC], , +1.503.525.aabb, +39.0.aacc,

* Regrets: see mailinglist.
* Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie (csma)

* Scribe: Axel Polleres

* Contents
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Jan/0026.html
IRC log: http://www.w3.org/2006/01/10-rif-irc
RSS Agent's Minutes: http://www.w3.org/2006/01/10-rif-minutes.html
Meeting wiki page: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/2006-01-10_Meeting

* Summary of Topics
  1. Admin
  2. Liaison
  3. Use Cases and Requirements
  4. OWL & RDF Compatibility
  5. Classification
  6. AOB
* Summary of Action Items
  ACTION: sandro update main web page re: meetings [DONE]
  ACTION: sandro add link about wiki usage [DONE]
  ACTION: sandro update main web page [CONTINUED] 
  ACTION: csma to ask ISO whether liaison is worthwhile and why
  ACTION: Use case editors publish first draft by Jan 17 [CONTINUED]
  ACTION: Ian writes up a new category "Rich Knowledge Representation features" in the use cases.
  ACTION: Francis McCabe to take over use case categoty "Information Integration"
  ACTION: ChrisWelty to find somebody for taking over use case category "Decision Support" 
  ACTION: csma to take over use case category "Interoperability Across Rule Engines and Tools"
  ACTION: Paula to take over use case category "Policy-based transaction authorization and access control"
  ACTION: Said to take over use case category "Regulation/Constraint Compliance Monitoring"
  ACTION: DaveReynolds to take over use case category "Publication"
  ACTION: Allen to take over use case category "Third Party Rule-Interchange-Enabling Service Providers"
  ACTION: Allen and David to check use cases for template-compliance and list incomplete use cases on the mailinglist.
  ACTION: benjamin to start a wiki page with initial list of systems [CONTINUED]
  ACTION: Harold to add fine classification [DONE]
  ACTION: chris to clarify desiderata for list of classifications [CONTINUED] 
  ACTION: chris to provide classifications draft Jan 31 [CONTINUED]
  ACTION: csma to open a wiki page for collecting implemented systems.

Detailed Minutes:

1. Admin:
     Minutes from last time accepted with minor modifications:
     csma: replace "standard bodies" with "organisations"
           remove NIST from liaison list, since they are part of the WG.
           change systems to rule systems in Benajmins action item, see
     Next Meeting: 17 January

     No additional agenda items.

   ACTION: sandro update main web page re: meetings [DONE]
   ACTION: sandro add link about wiki usage [DONE]
   ACTION: sandro update main web page [CONTINUED] 

2. Liaison:
    ChrisW: Enrico Franconi to be SPARQL liason
    FrancoisBry: Massimo Marchiori would be a good liaison for XQuery/XPath.
    ChrisW: Paul Vincent to liason for PRR
    Elisa: ISO IEC Joint Task Force 1, SC 32, Working Group 2: Metadata 
           Standards US national body is ANSI L8
           might be interesting for liaison. See http://metadata-standards.org/
           Contact: Ed Barkmeyer. 
           Current work includes standards for metadata registration 
           (including ontology and potentially rules related metadata 
           registration), model registration, metadata interoperability, 
           and Common Logic.
    ACTION: csma to ask ISO whether liaison is worthwhile and why

    csma: further liaisons to be proposed by mail.

3. Use Cases and Requirements

   ACTION: Use case editors publish first draft by Jan 17 [CONTINUED]

   David: Allen sent out a classification this morning per mail.
          ... to be discussed.
   csma: to be discussed together with the editors' draft.
   Allen: added classification to the Wiki:  
          contains sort of in spirit of OWL-use case doc (see 
          http://www.w3.org/TR/webont-req/) a list of 
          categories of requirements and a classification.
   csma: main objective is of this document is to check whether all 
         requirements are covered or whether we missed anything.
   Sandro: Agreement on grouping use cases in more abstract categories.
   David,Allen: summarize their classification.
   Hassan: As for use cases classification, hassan sees two axes: language
           issues or certain application situations. Discrimination should be 
           done on these criteria.
   Francois: Classification by David and Allen is driven by applications, 
             but classification by types of rules and data accessed should be 
             considered, also relationships to query languages.
   Allen: Disagrees, the classification is more based on functionality 
          than applications.
   csma: We have to start somewhere, and Allen's/David's classification will help
         to progress. Any list of categories can be discussed.
   Ian: Use cases which are asking for certain features to increase language
        expressivity should be considered. although general and maybe not 
        specific to one concrete usage scenario.
   csma: put more expressive KR into the rule language/engine classification
   Allen: Suggests to add a category "Rich Knowledge Representation features". 
   Sandro: what FrancoisBry is saying sounds more like Requirements.
           Use cases should be more marketing, i.e. WHY RIF is to be used.

   ACTION: Ian writes up a new category "Rich Knowledge Representation features" in the use cases.

   csma asks to assign people for each category in 
   to check the use cases and naming and generate abstract use cases:

   ACTION: Francis McCabe to take over use case categoty "Information Integration"
   ACTION: ChrisWelty to find somebody for taking over use case category "Decision Support" 
   ACTION: csma to take over use case category "Interoperability Across Rule Engines and Tools"
   ACTION: Paula to take over use case category "Policy-based transaction authorization and access control"
   ACTION: Said to take over use case category "Regulation/Constraint Compliance Monitoring"
   ACTION: DaveReynolds to take over use case category "Publication"
   ACTION: Allen to take over use case category "Third Party Rule-Interchange-Enabling Service Providers"

   Allen: some use cases still unclassified/incomplete.
   David: All shall feel free to add more information to use cases.
   Chris: Allen and David shall check use cases which are not template-compliant.

   ACTION: Allen and David to check use cases for template-compliance and list incomplete use cases on the mailinglist.

   Allen: Deadline for updating use cases 48 hrs from now

4. OWL & RDF Compatibility

   Sandro: not much change on the wiki recently.
   ChrisW: let's talk about email-thread: Relationship to SPARQL. 
   ... Do we commit to be compatible with SPARQL? Does this give us RDF compatibility?
   csma: what then about OWL?
   Jos: depends on what we mean by "compatibility".
   Jeremy: SPARQL is primarily about RDF graph not about RDF semantics
   Ian: SPARQL proposes query language and language for expressing conditions.
   chris,jeremy,daveReynolds: disagree with Ian and stress importance of RDF semantics.

   csma: continue this discussion on the mailinglist.

5. Classification

   ACTION: benjamin to start a wiki page with initial list of systems [CONTINUED]
   ACTION: Harold to add fine classification [DONE]
   ACTION: chris to clarify desiderata for list of classifications [CONTINUED] 
   ACTION: chris to provide classifications draft Jan 31 [CONTINUED]

   Harold: somehow resolved Banjamin's action already with respect to languages, but not systems.
   Jos: Is the classification about rule languages or implementations?
   Chris: current classification by harold does not cover implemented systems.
   ... people should add their implemented systems on the wiki.

   ACTION: csma to open a wiki page for collecting implemented systems. 

   Hassan: dont't know where in the classification to add implemented languages which 
   ... spread over harolds classification.
   Harold: in response to Hassan's question about Life in the current  RAF classification:
   ... Life could be classified roughly as a Hybrid Slotted Horn Logic using the 
   ... following mappings:
     Feature Logic -> Horn Logic with Slotted Atoms
     Inheritance -> RDFS or OWL-Lite Inheritance within the 'type/contstraint/DL' part of Hybrid Rules
     Functions -> Interpreted (User-defined) Function Symbols

   csma: please continue discussion on the mailinglist.

6. AOB

   csma: no issues
   ... All shall check action items and discuss on the list!!!

Received on Friday, 13 January 2006 10:15:20 UTC