Agenda published and call for use cases

Dear RIF Working Group participant,

A draft agenda for the kick-off meeting in Burlingame has been published

You will notice that we scheduled a session on use cases.

To prepare that session, we request short text describing use cases and
the associated requirements. There is no limitation in the number of use
cases you can send us, nor any constraint on the form (except that it
must be concise). Thank you to send your short texts to the public WG 
mailing list:

We will ask some or all of the submitters (depending on how many we get)
to prepare a short presentation for the meeting. But not being able to
attend the workshop should not stop you from submitting use cases: the
more we have, the better.

The use cases need not be very elaborate at this point: the idea is to
get a first overview of the breadth and diversity of the use cases, and
to help focus a discussion on what use cases should be, how they should
be presented, selected, analysed and, ultimately, used in the WG. In
other words: jump start the work on the WG first deliverable.

Christian de Sainte Marie (co-chair)

Received on Friday, 25 November 2005 20:16:10 UTC