Fw: Introductions

Alternate, Attending F2F

  -- a bio summarizing experience you have that's relevant to the work of 
this group

My name is Philippe Bonnard and I have worked in Paris for 6 years in the 
ILOG Product Division. As an architect, I developped binding modules (RDB, 
XML, Web Service) related to JRules, the ILOG Java Business Rules Management 
System product.
Recently, I have participated to the optimization of the JRules RETE engine, 
concerning its time-performance on academic benchmarks.

  -- as much contact info as you care to share on this public list

Philippe Bonnard

     ILOG, Inc.
     Product Division R&D
     email: pbonnard@ilog.fr
     tel: +33 1 49 08 29 59
     fax: +33 1 49 08 36 10

  -- what you expect to get out of this WG

Developping an XML language usable as a persistent language for production 
rules and easily implementable
in Java.

  -- what you hope/expect to contribute.

I think I have an interessant experience for this WG of a concrete BRMS 
based on production rules and forward-chaining engine, from the authoring of 
the business policies to their deployment on various platforms. This 
experience may help to identify needs and requirements of RIF in order to be 
applied on business rules applications.


Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 07:39:49 UTC