- From: Adrian Paschke <adrian.paschke@gmx.de>
- Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 17:35:10 +0200
- To: <public-rif-dev@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <00da01d08fed$e57007d0$b0501770$@gmx.de>
Dear Colleagues, Submit your rule-based business cases, solutions, demos, results, rule bases to the 9th International Rule Challenge and learn more about "Web Logic Rules" at the 11th Reasoning Web Summer School. Phd students can also discuss their research at the joint RuleML and RR Doctoral Consortium. The open deadlines for your submissions are as follows: * 9th International Rule Challenge (http://2015.ruleml.org/challenge.html) - deadline May 23rd * RuleML Rulebase Competition (http://2015.ruleml.org/challenge.html) - deadline May 23rd * Challenge on Recommender Systems for the Web of Data (http://2015.ruleml.org/recsysrules-2015.html) - deadline May 23rd * 5th RuleML Doctoral Consortium (http://2015.ruleml.org/DoctoralConsortium.html) - deadline May 23rd * 11th Reasoning Web Summer School (http://reasoningweb.org/2015) - deadline May 24th * RuleML / RR Poster Session (http://2015.ruleml.org/poster-session.html) - deadline May 23rd RuleML 2015 (http://2015.ruleml.org) will be held in Berlin, Germany, August 2-5, co-located with the Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE), the Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI), the Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR) and the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW). The International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) has been a leading international conference on research, applications, languages and standards for rule technologies. Since 2002 the RuleML event series has built bridges between academia and industry in the field of rules and its applications, especially as part of the semantic technology stack. We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin in August! ====================== Website: http://2015.ruleml.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RuleML-Group-2190838 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RuleML Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2015 Blog: http://blog.ruleml.org Wiki: http://ruleml.org
Received on Saturday, 16 May 2015 15:35:40 UTC