WIMS’14 : Call For Application and Case Study Papers

** apologies for cross-postings **

Call For Application and Case Study Papers

4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-4 June 2014

The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way we gather, process, and 
use information. It has also re-defined the semantics and processes of 
businesses and other aspects of our daily life. WIMS’14 is focused on 
intelligent approaches to transforming the Web into a global reasoning 
and semantics-driven computing machine.

Next year at WIMS, applications of WIMS technology will receive a 
renewed focus with 2 keynote industry speakers and a new Application and 
Case Study Track. We are delighted to announce that Dr Richard 
Benjamins, Director of Business Intelligence, Telefonica and Dr Jem 
Rayfield, Head Architect, Financial Times will be sharing their 
experience and insights into the applications of WIMS technologies in 
the telecoms and media sectors.

The goal of this track is to provide opportunities for researchers, 
innovators, industry leaders, and practitioners to present and exchange 
ideas, results, and experiences in the applications of Web Intelligence, 
Mining, and Semantics (WIMS).

The Application & Case Studies Track invites submissions describing 
implementations of Web Intelligence, Mining, and Semantics in industrial 
or government or other ‘real world’ settings. Papers must include 
descriptions of how the applications have been conceived, developed, and 
(probably) deployed.

Submission Types:

1.    Case Studies
2.    Application papers

1.    Case Studies

The papers in this category describe case studies of deployed 
applications, lessons learnt, and examples of measurable benefits.

•    Case studies of deployed applications, including lessons learnt and 
examples of measurable benefits
•    Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains, 
and lessons learnt

Page Limit: 12 ACM pages

2.    Applications:
     The papers in this category include:

•    Reports of innovative applications of WIMS in areas of industry and 
•    Reports of industrial experience and demonstrations of innovative 
•    Emerging application papers bridging the gap between basic WIMS 
research and deployed applications
•    Challenge problem papers describing challenges to applying Web 
intelligence, mining, and semantics to real-world problems, in terms of 
applying existing WIMS technologies to new tasks, or new technologies 
needed for new tasks

Paper Limit: 6 ACM pages

Submission Procedure - via EasyChair

The papers must be written in English and formatted according to the ACM 
guidelines. Author instructions and style files can be downloaded at:


Submissions should be made electronically in PDF or DOC/DOCX (MS/Open 
Word) format via the electronic submission system of the WIMS’14 
Conference Management system at:


After logging into EasyChair WIMS'14 Applications & Case Studies Track 
has to be chosen to submit a paper in response to this call.

All accepted papers/posters will be published in the conference 
proceedings. At least one author of any accepted article (paper, poster, 
abstract) is required to register at the full registration rate.

Important Dates

•    Abstract Deadline: November 25, 2013
•    Full Paper Submission Deadline: December 9, 2013
•    Notification of Acceptance: January 24, 2014
•    Camera-Ready Submission: February 24, 2014


WIMS14 Application and Case Study Track Chair:
John Davies, BT Research & Innovation

WIMS Conferences Chair:
Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway

WIMS14 General Co-Chairs:
Takahira Yamaguchi, Keio University, Japan
Ioannis Vlahavas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

WIMS14 Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vadim Ermolayev, Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine

WIMS14 Publicity Chair:
Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

WIMS14 Web Co-Chairs:
Efstratios Kontopoulos, CERTH – ITI, Thessaloniki, Greece
Fotis Kokkoras, T.E.I. of Thessaly, Greece

Received on Friday, 25 October 2013 07:11:50 UTC