Re: args tag in RIF XML serialization


Writing down our reply to Thomas Krekeler's question, below, I checked 
again what FLD and BLD said.

You pointed out that BLD said that: "For the subscript n it is understood 
that n?0, i.e. the ellipsis indicates zero or more terms" [1]. But nothing 
says (or I could not find it) where it says that the empty args element 
must be omitted (and, no, it is not abvious; for instance, I had to check 
for the items sub-element in lists... and I found out that PRD required 
the element even if empty, whereas BLD and Core did not [2] => we need to 
issue an erratum on PRD).

Furthermore, FLD does not even seem to mention the difference between n 
and m subscripts (i.e. that n>=0 and m>=1) => we probably need to correct 
that in BLD and FLD too (not sure if this is an erratum properly said, 

Errata aside, do you (and everybody) agree if I tell TK that the empty 
args element, like any other empty role element, must be omitted in 
RIF/XML and that this will be made explicit in the next release of the 
specs? Or are there cases where an empty role element is valid RIF/XML?




[2]  I traced back the difference to the an ambiguous resolution that we 
passed on May 4, 2010, and that was implemented differently in PRD and 
Core/BLD/FLD: I implemented the decision litterally, copying the schema 
fragment in the reference email [3], whereas Harold implemented it in a 
way that made the items element optional.


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Thomas Krekeler <>
22/09/2010 16:03
args tag in RIF XML serialization
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which of the following (partial) XML code is valid RIF XML?

1) No args tag:

   <op><Const type="&rif;iri"></Const></op>

2) Empty args tag:

   <op><Const type="&rif;iri"></Const></op>
   <args ordered="yes"/>

In [1] there is no question mark characterizing the args tag as optional,
so I would go for 2 and view 1 as invalid.

By reading the XML schema ([1]) on the other hand I think 1 is valid but 2 
is not.

Thanks for your help.




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Thomas Krekeler
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Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 12:52:08 UTC