Re: The 9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015), August 3-5, 2015, Berlin, Germany
On 2014년 12월 19일 (금) at 오전 5:29 Adrian Paschke <>

> Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues and
> students. Thanks!
> Call for Papers: The 9th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015)
> ========================================================================
> August 3-5, 2015, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, Germany
> ++++++++++++ News ++++++++++++++++
> - Keynotes by Michael Genesereth on FOL Herbrand Semantics
>   and Thom Fruewirth on Constraint Handling Rules
> - Industry Track
> - 9th International Rule Challenge
> - 5th Doctoral Consortium
> - Student Travel support
> - Co-located with: CADE 2015, RR 2015, Reasoning Web 2015, FOMIS 2015
> - Sponsors and Partners: Association for Logic Programming, ECCAI, W3C,
>   IEEE Technical Committee on Semantic Computing, IFCoLog,
>   Coherent Knowledge, Binarypark, ShareLatex, Corporate Semantic Web,
> Springer
> The annual International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) is the leading
> international event in the field of
> rules and their applications. RuleML 2015, the ninth event in this series,
> will be held in Berlin, Germany,
> August 3-5 in conjunction with the Conference on Automated Deduction
> (CADE), the Conference on Web Reasoning and
> Rule Systems (RR) and the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW).
> RuleML 2015 will host multiple tracks on Complex Event Processing,
> Existential Rules and Datalog+/-,
> Industry, Legal Rules and Reasoning and Rule Learning, as well as hosting
> the 9th International Rule
> Challenge and the 5th RuleML Doctoral Consortium.
> Objectives
> ----------
> RuleML 2015 will bring together practitioners, interested in the theory
> and applications of rules in
> academic research, industry, engineering, business and other diverse
> application areas. It will provide a
> forum for stimulating co-operation and cross-fertilization between the
> many different communities
> focused on the research and development of rule-based systems.
> The symposium's areas of research and development have helped drive rapid
> progress in technologies for
> practical rule and event processing in distributed enterprise, intranets,
> and open distributed environments.
> Industry practitioners, rule-system providers, users of rules, technical
> experts and developers, and
> researchers who are exploring foundational issues, developing systems and
> applications, or using rule-
> based systems are invited to share ideas, results, and experiences.
> Topics
> ------
> The conference will have 5 special tracks, as well as general sessions.
> The tracks are:
> * Complex Event Processing
> * Existential Rules and Datalog+/
> * Legal Rules and Reasoning
> * Rule Learning
> * Industry
> We invite high-quality submissions related (but not limited) to the
> special tracks and within the general
> theme of the conference.
> Track Topics
> ------------
> Complex Event Processing (Main theme: Uncertainty Handling in Complex
> Event Processing)
> - Scalable CEP under uncertainty
> - Visual analytics for CEP systems
> - Distributed CEP under uncertainty
> - Real-world applications of CEP
> - Event forecasting under uncertainty
> - Privacy issues in CEP
> - Multi-scale temporal aggregation of events
> - Benchmarks and testbeds for CEP
> - Machine learning for event processing and forecasting
> Existential Rules and Datalog+/
> - Decidability paradigms for existential rules
> - Consistent query answering
> - Reasoning and querying
> - Query Rewriting
> - Nonmonotonic reasoning
> - Query Optimization
> - Probabilistic reasoning
> - Ontology Languages
> - Data and knowledge integration and exchange
> - Ontology-based Data Access System
> - Conceptual modeling
> - Descriptions and applications
> - Semi-structured data, graph databases and (Semantic) Web data
> Legal Rules and Reasoning
> - Learning from legal texts
> - Modeling normative rules
> - Reguratory compliance by rules
> - Modeling legislation
> - XML, standards for legal documents
> - Legal ontology
> - Semantic Web in Legal Domain
> - Legal Open Data and Rules
> - Reasoning about normative rules
> - Normative rules extraction by natural language processing
> Rule Learning
> - Inductive rule learning
> - Classification rules
> - Association rules
> - Learning rules for the semantic web
> - Preference rules
> - Rule-based recommender systems
> - Relational learning
> - Learning business rules
> - Descriptive rule learning
> - Predictive rule learning
> Industry Track
> The RuleML 2015 Industry Track targets businesses and the
> private sector interested in sharing, exploring, and learning
> about the use of rules and rule technologies for solving
> real life business problems.
> For further information about the Industry Track topics
> and submission see:
> Generel Topics (not limited to)
> - Rules and automated reasoning
> - Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
> - Reaction rules
> - Rules and the Web
> - Rule discovery from data
> - Fuzzy rules and uncertainty
> - Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning
> - Non-classical logics and the Web (e.g modal, especially deontic and
> epistemic, logics)
> - Hybrid methods for combining rules and statistical machine learning
> techniques (e.g., conditional random fields, Probabilistic Soft Logic)
> - Rule transformation and extraction
> - Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
> - Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
> - Rule-based distributed/multi-agent systems
> - Rules, agents, and norms
> - Rule-based communication, dialogue, and argumentation models
> - Rule-based data integration
> - Vocabularies and ontologies for pragmatic primitives (e.g. speech acts
> and deontic primitives)
> - Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
> - Rules in online market research and online marketing
> - Applications of rule technologies in health care and life sciences
> - Rules and Human Language Technology
> - Industrial applications of rules
> - Rules and business process compliance checking
> - Standards activities related to rules
> - Rules and social media
> - General rule topics
> Student Travel Support
> ----------------------
> Student Travel Support of EUR 500 will be provided for the two best
> student (first author) submissions.
> For a paper to be considered, its first author must be a student. Proof of
> studentship will be required at
> time of registration. More detailed information on how to apply will be
> sent to authors of accepted papers
> through Easychair.
> Important Dates
> ---------------
> Abstract Submission February 25, 2015
> Paper Submission March 4, 2015
> Notification May 4, 2015
> Camera Ready May 18, 2015
> Symposium Dates August 3-5, 2015
> Submission guidelines
> ---------------------
> (except for the Industry Track - the guidelines for the Industry Track can
> be found at
> Papers must be original contributions written in English and must be
> submitted at EasyChair
> ( as:
> For all Tracks and general topics:
> # Full Papers (15 pages in the proceedings)
> # Short Papers (8 pages in the proceedings)
> For submission to a particular track please select that particular
> track/category. To submit under the
> general topics simply select the "General RuleML track" category.
> All papers must have at least three keywords identifying the main topics
> of the paper.
> Please upload all submissions in LNCS format
> (
> To ensure high quality,
> submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on
> originality, significance,
> technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Selected papers, including
> those accepted for the special
> tracks will be published in book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in
> Computer Science (LNCS) series
> (
> Short papers may contain 1 extra page maximum for which there is a charge
> of US$200, while for long
> papers you are allowed 2 extra pages maximum for EACH of which there is a
> charge of US$200.
> More information
> ----------------
> Website:
> Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2015 (
> Blog:
> Call for papers:
> Sponsoring:

Received on Thursday, 25 December 2014 01:43:45 UTC