Some more potential errors


I think I might have found some more errors in the table at


(* prp-spo2 *)

 Forall ?u0 ?u$length(?pc)$ (    (* should that not be all ?u from ?u0 to
?$ length(pc)$ ? *)
  ?start[?p->?last] :- And (        (* should ?start and ?last be the same
as u0 and ulength?*)
for(?next in ?sc) {                     (*is ?sc=?pc  !?*)
{$ )) $}

(* prp-key *)

 Forall ?x ?y (                                                 (*Forall ?x
?y ?v *)
  ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] :- And (
    ?x[rdf:type->?c]  ?y[rdf:type->?c]
for(?key in ?u) {
    ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v]
{$ )) $}

(* scm-int *)

for(?ci in ?l) {
  Forall ?y (
    ?y[rdf:type->?ci] :- And (
      ?y[rdf:type->?c] ))

  Forall( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?ci] )      (* Is Forall allowed here without
at least one variable?*)

(* <#cls-maxqc2> *)
Forall ?y (   (*forall ?y ?u*)
  rif:error() :- And(
      ?u[?p->?y]  ))

(* eq-diff2 and eq-diff3*)
for(?x in ?l) {
 for(?y in ?l, != x) {
 Forall  (                           (* not allowed ?*)
  rif:error() :- And (
      ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ) )

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:20:05 UTC