- From: Notifier <sysbot+notifier@w3.org>
- Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2022 04:52:39 +0000
- To: public-review-announce@w3.org
Requirements for Chinese Text Layout - 中文排版需求 https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/DNOTE-clreq-20220101/ Published by Internationalization Working Group Abstract This document summarizes text composition requirements in the Chinese writing system. One of the goals of the task force is to describe issues for Chinese layout, another is to describe correspondences with existing standards (such as Unicode), as well as to encourage vendors to implement relevant features correctly. 本文整理了中文(汉字)书写系统于排版上的需求。一方面说明需求事项以明确描述中文排版之需求与问题;另一方面也提出与既有标准(如Unicode)的对应,冀求本文能更有效地促进实现。 本文整理了中文(漢字)書寫系統於排版上的需求。一方面說明需求事項以明確描述中文排版之需求與問題;另一方面也提出與既有標準(如Unicode)的對應,冀求本文能更有效地促進實作。 Status of the Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/. This document was created by the Chinese Layout Task Force within the W3C Internationalization Interest Group, and in collaboration with the W3C HTML5 Chinese Interest Group. The Internationalization Working Group has been a great help during the writing of this document. The Chinese Layout Task Force will work with the Internationalization Working Group to publish Group Draft Notes of this document, and to widen the exposure and review of the document. 本文档由W3C国际化兴趣组下的中文布局任务团编写而成,W3C HTML5中文兴趣组为本文档提供了审阅支持,W3C国际化工作组为文档的编写提供了诸多帮助。中文排版布局任务小组将与W3C国际化工作组联合发布该文档的草案,并邀请业界进行审阅。 本文檔由W3C國際化興趣組下的中文布局任務團編寫而成,W3C HTML5中文興趣組為本文檔提供了審閱支持,W3C國際化工作組為文檔的編寫提供了諸多幫助。中文排版布局任務小組將與W3C國際化工作組聯合發布該文檔的草案,並邀請業界進行審閱。 繁體中文 简体中文 English All 本章节描述了本文档的发布状态。其他更新版本可能会覆盖本文档。W3C的文档列表和最新版本可通过W3C技术报告索引访问。 以编辑草稿方式发布的文档还没有通过W3C会员流程的认可。这是一份文档草稿并且会不断更新。请暂时不要正式引用本文档。 本文档遵循W3C专利政策。W3C为工作组的产出成果维护着一份公开专利披露列表,此页面也同时涵盖了专利披露说明。若个人发现其有包含必须声明的专利信息,必须按照W3C专利政策第六章节披露此信息。 本文档遵循W3C流程文档(2021年11月2日版)。 本章節描述了本文檔的發布狀態。其他更新版本可能會覆蓋本文檔。W3C的文檔列表和最新版本可通過W3C技術報告索引訪問。 以編輯草稿方式發布的文檔還沒有通過W3C會員流程的認可。這是一份文檔草稿並且會不斷更新。請暫時不要正式引用本文檔。 本文檔遵循W3C專利政策。W3C為工作組的產出成果維護著一份公開專利披露列表,此頁面也同時涵蓋了專利披露說明。若個人發現其有包含必須聲明的專利信息,必須按照W3C專利政策第六章節披露此信息。 本文檔遵循W3C流程文檔(2021年11月2日版)。 This document was published by the Internationalization Working Group as a Group Draft Note using the Note track. Group Draft Notes are not endorsed by W3C nor its Members. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress. The W3C Patent Policy does not carry any licensing requirements or commitments on this document. This document is governed by the 2 November 2021 W3C Process Document. -- This report was automatically generated using https://github.com/w3c/transition-notifier
Received on Saturday, 1 January 2022 04:52:40 UTC