[CSSWG][css-text-3] Updated WD of CSS Text Level 3 (late announce)

On 22 August 2017, the CSS WG published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Text Module Level 3:


This module contains various typesetting properties not related to font
selection, such as alignment, line breaking, white space collapsing,
text justification, and other forms of text-level spacing adjustments.

This update represents the handling of all comments received during the
2013 Last Call period and up through about mid-2015 (as well as a handful
of later issues). A completed disposition of comments and changes list
will be made available once the rest of the comments are handled.

The Disposition of Comments is available at


Please review the draft, and send any comments to the www-style mailing
list, <www-style@w3.org>, prefixed with [css-text] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

Received on Monday, 25 December 2017 12:44:00 UTC