- From: David Singer <singer@apple.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 17:20:11 +0200
- To: "public-restrictedmedia@w3.org List" <public-restrictedmedia@w3.org>
On May 16, 2014, at 23:20 , cobaco <cobaco@freemen.be> wrote: > I'd have copied it, i.e. I'd have recreated it from my own resources > > (technology lets me do that without much skill on my part now, oh brave new > world) > > not . the . same . thing Please tell me when you have created something worth watching, from your own resources, and are making it available without restrictions. THAT is doing it from your own resources. Please tell me when you have demolished the for-pay content industry in the USA by importing Nigerian and Bollywood films and made them available without DRM. If you believe this, why haven’t you formed the company already? Please tell me why I should take you at all seriously when you say simultaneously that piracy is not a problem, and not the reason for DRM, but that you cheerfully pirate content yourself and advise others to do the same (why you admit this in public is a little strange, mind you). Let’s get this clear. If you enjoy, without your paying for it, an experience that someone creates, and is only making available to those who pay for the experience, that is theft. No amount of rhetoric about how easy it is, how natural it is, or how desirable it is for you, will change that. They made it, and they are at liberty to set the terms under which it is enjoyed. You don’t like the terms, don’t watch it. You don’t like the equipment they require in order to watch it, don’t get the equipment and don’t watch it. (There is no entertainment content, to the best of my knowledge) that falls into the category of life-essential.) You asked about credibility before; I think you lost it. Goodbye. David Singer Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.
Received on Sunday, 18 May 2014 15:20:45 UTC