Re: Campaign for position of chair and mandate to close this community group

Fred Andrews:
> but the W3C has already decided to recharter the HTML WG
> to include content protection including DRM and thus have endorsed DRM
> as consistent with the principles of the web.

That is not entirely correct.

"supporting playback of protected content" was added to the charter, but
that term was left undefined and DRM is not mentioned in the charter:

Some people consider watermarking to be a (weak) form of DRM and content

And there currently exists no common understanding regarding the terms
"open" and "open standard" within the W3C.

*If* Tim Bernes-Lee and the W3C decide to promote a specification to
become an "open standard" which can not be implemented using copyleft
Open Source licenses due to a fundamental incompatibility *then* the
discussion here would have failed. So far such a decision does not seem
to have been made.


Received on Friday, 10 January 2014 08:23:27 UTC