Re: Forwarded Invite to Discussion of EME at the European Parliament, Oct. 15, 11:00-13:00

>>>>> "DB" == Duncan Bayne <> writes:

    DB> I was trying to refute the OPs point that consumer revolt would
    DB> keep overreaching DRM in line.

    DB> Then I realized it was utterly irrelevant to the question, as
    DB> indeed a lot of this particular thread has been.

The validity of Mark's argument was relevant to answering my question
why is it necessary to standardize DRM technologies within W3C which
seems to be a major (on-topic) problem here.

I think I've received the answer now and I understand our views here are
different enough to reach a common conclusion.  Thank you all for your
explanations and arguments.

Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 08:39:04 UTC