Re: Trust

On Oct 16, 2013, at 15:52 , Duncan Bayne <> wrote:

>> It supports some (making the web the place for online content) and is in
>> tension with others.  It's not an open and shut case.
> The web is 'the place' for standards-compliant content that is
> accessible with anyone with the wherewithal to implement a
> standards-compliant client.  It is not a place for DRM-restricted
> content.

This is your *opinion*.

> The online content of which you speak is not available in a way that is
> compatible with the W3C goals and mission.

This is your *opinion*.  

I am still waiting for you to get down to details;  I gave a list of pluses and minuses, do you really have nothing to add?  If not, this debate will stay vague and high-level, and probably have no effect at all.

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 22:54:42 UTC