Re: Forwarded Invite to Discussion of EME at the European Parliament, Oct. 15, 11:00-13:00

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 7:47 PM, David Singer <> wrote:
>> So far, we haven't seen a deployed CDM that is like a plug-in in terms
>> of the distribution model.
> True, but I would expect that if OMA PDCF ever got traction,

What's OMA PDCF and why would it lead to plug-in-like EME CDM distribution?

> or as the Ultraviolet ecosystem grows, we might see a change there.

Is the UltraViolet ecosystem growing? And even if the UltraViolet
ecosystem was growing, why would it lead to plug-in-like distribution
of EME CDMs when the EME/Netflix model makes UltraViolet
obsolete/moot? (If you generally watch a given movie once, why bother
with the complexity of UltraViolet when you could instead stream the
movie once from Netflix and then not worry about file management,
ownership tracking or whether DRMs change?)

Henri Sivonen

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2013 17:46:27 UTC