Re: Forwarded Invite to Discussion of EME at the European Parliament, Oct. 15, 11:00-13:00

I thin it's a good initiative and outreach on the part Ms. Andersdotter.
Unfortunately I also won't be able to attend in person but I've sent a
note to her office asking if it might be possible to attend remotely.


On 14/10/2013 10:43, "Charles McCathie Nevile" <>

>On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 07:46:10 +0200, Danny O'Brien <> wrote:
>> Forgiveness retrospectively begged for cross-posting this. The office of
>> the Swedish member of European Parliament, Amelia Andersdotter, asked me
>> to pass on this invitation onto interested parties within the W3C.
>> Hopefully I've hit some reasonable subset of that with this cc: list.
>> For some context on Andersdotter's current thinking on EME, you can see:

>> EFF has no connection with the event, but I wish I could attend!
>I'm interested in attending, despite the short notice. But knowing where
>it is (Brussels? Strasbourg?) would help.
>> Best wishes,
>> d.
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to invite you to a panel discussion about encrypted media
>> extensions in HTML5, a fundamental browser standard. This invitation was
>> sent out a couple of days ago, but because of the difficulties in
>> forwarding posters and some last minute cancellations a plain-text
>> version of the invitation follow.
>> Official name:*Technology making law*
>> Venue: European Parliament, PHS 1 C 047
>> Time: October 15th, 11:00-13:00
>> The issues which will be discussed are
>> - What is the consequence of this inclusion on innovation on the
>> Internet?
>> - Where is the difference between technology and law? Should technology
>> make law or do legislators make law?
>> - What are the consequences of introduction of EME in HTML5 on the
>> existing European legal framework for copyright and broadcasting?
>> - Are there security problems with a "black box" in the browser.
>> If you wish to participate in this event you can contact Jan Louzeek at
>> who will order the badges for
>> you on Tuesday in order to get inside of the parliament building. The
>> event will additionally be streamed and recorded and its availability
>> will be notified at the @exile6e twitter account
>> (


>> In order to get to the parliament you need to provide following
>> information: Full name, your ID number and your date of birth.
>> You are all welcome and I'll be looking forward to see you in our
>> interesting debate!
>> best,
>> Jan Louzek
>Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
>         Find more at


Received on Monday, 14 October 2013 10:01:21 UTC