Re: Is EME usable regardless of the software/hardware I use ?

On 2013/06/10 04:47, Jeff Jaffe wrote:
> On 6/9/2013 2:20 PM, Joshua Gay wrote:


>> 1. Copyright violations (sharing, etc) are a threat to the model
>> One reason the business model needs copy restrictions (aka content
>> protection) is because a significant enough number of users will 
>> violate
>> the copyright on the work. This means a lot of people (who otherwise
>> would pay) aren't paying for a work.
>> In the United States and in many other countries with strong 
>> democratic
>> traditions, there are powerful laws and justice systems to enforce 
>> those
>> laws around copyright. When violating those laws, a person is taking
>> part in criminal behaviour.
>> So, when the W3C does work that is to support a business model like
>> this, they are also giving support to the assumption that a 
>> significant
>> portion of the public are likely to take part in criminal behaviour.
> I think this statement is a little strong.  Noone would say that a
> company that provides house alarms assumes that a significant portion
> of the public are likely to take part in criminal behavior. Rather,
> they would say that a significant portion of the public has a desire
> to protect their homes.

The house alarm is used to warn/protect against people who are not 
authorised to enter the home whereas DRM is used against identified and 
authorised users.

EME/DRM is more comparable to an alarm designed to protect home owners 
against their own guests.


>> I don't think that the W3C should help further or put its efforts 
>> toward
>> helping a business model that is intent upon denying fair use, because 
>> I
>> believe it is bad for individuals and it is bad for helping to promote
>> the progress of science and useful arts.
> Just for clarity, W3C has embraced the notion that content protection
> is a valid requirement.  We have not embraced the notion that denying
> fair use is a valid requirement.  To the extent that we can find a
> solution that provides content protection and also provides no
> roadblock to fair use - that would be ideal.

I read here "The need for content protection outweighs fair use denial 
(and control over users)".

Emmanuel Revah

Received on Monday, 10 June 2013 13:20:45 UTC