Re: What is the "open web" ?

> Since the EME spec doesn't specify the CDMs, someone could certainly
> create an open CDM (for whatever definition of open they prefer) and
> EME would work with that.
I agree, you are right here, EME itself would be an "open interface
for a closed blackbox" talked before, so anyone would create their own
open CDM, but:

a) who would want to do something like this (apart from major that
decided to open their implementation)?
b) since DRM are based on "security by opacity" since if you know how
a DRM system works you can break it, how would be done this open DRM
system to works?
c) derived from b), up to this moment no DRM has been sucesful, but
imagine that someone develops on their spare time The Perfect DRM
System That Really Works. One guy doing something that all majors and
corporations hasn't be able to develop for at least 20 years, if no
more. Should this be interpreted a way for the majors to increase
their mind brainstormind having others to do their dirty work by free,
or an evidence that they have been doing it wrong in purpose because
in fact they are interested piracy exists?

> The question then is whether that would be useful to anyone, or used
> by anyone. That depends on the properties of that CDM and the
> requirements of the owners of the content in question. It is not
> ultimately a technical question. From what I understand today, a FOSS,
> fully user-modifiable CDM would not meet the requirements of the major
> Hollywood studios, for example, but that does not necessarily imply
> would be useless.
That's debatable, but question is, people would be interested on
develop a FOSS CDM on purpose without a check in front of their noses,
or ideology and common sense will dominate over them? I was proposed
myself to develop an anti-piracy system on my company for an offline
in-board trains control software and accepted the challenge from the
technical aspect of the issue, but I was against of the general
concept all the time and also doing my best for it and giving personal
and unique certificates for each copy, I was totally confident it
would only make competence to spend some days instead of just some
minutes or hours figuring how to break it to re-send it themselves to

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monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
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Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 21:48:06 UTC