Re: Geo-blocking, DRM, and the 'Australia Tax'

On Mon Jul 29 11:26:36 2013, John Foliot wrote:
> Duncan Bayne wrote:
>> Here's an example of how DRM allows content providers to do the exact
>> opposite: charge people signficantly more than others, based on the
>> country in which they reside.
> I don't see *any* example of DRM in this article, but rather of
> "geo-blocking" by IP range, a common and long-standing practice that has
> nothing to do with media encryption - the same practice can and is used
> today to "tailor" the delivery of "ordinary" (text-based) web content. It is
> something of a stretch to somehow associate this practice to media
> encryption, but I understand how desperate some are to lay blame for all of
> the ills of the internet at the feet of DRM.

I had thought when I skimmed it the article also talked about DVD 
region encoding... but it sounds like I'm incorrect there. best, Joe

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Senior Staff Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
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Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2013 00:33:54 UTC