Re: Registration of CDMs as a solution proposal (was Re: "Revealed: how Microsoft...")

Mark Watson <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Norbert Bollow <> wrote:
> > "" <> wrote:
> >
> > > > Robert O'Callaghan of Mozilla proposed that all CDMs be
> > > > registered and that a condition of registration be publication
> > > > of the source code
> > >
> > > Interesting solution... Independently of the fact I'm against EME,
> > > since this would mean a reduced and clearly common set of CDMs, I
> > > agree with that solution.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > since it would also greatly increase the likelihood of being able to
> > run the CDMs on Free Software operating system platforms, therefore
> > significantly reducing the risk in regard to the continued viability
> > of such operating system platforms that I'm so concerned about.
> >
> I see, so this is an area where there could be some advantage to
> working on this in W3C then ?
> I'm not saying the above solution will be agreed - that's really not
> something I can influence - but I don't see any context other than
> W3C in which this and alternatives could be discussed.
> ...Mark

Ouch. So you're not even willing to try using your influence -
surely you must have some - for moving things towards a solution, but
you're really only interested in scoring points for the “this should
be worked on in W3C” position!?

Maybe I misread your posting?

Otherwise the logical conclusion for me is that there is no point in
continuing the conversation with you.

Since I also can't take my concerns to the relevant WG mailing list
(they're considered off-topic there), and no other representatives of
the companies which are pushing for EME seem to be engaging on this
list at all, the overall result might easily be a total dead end, in
the sense of total lack of opportunity for being involved in
discussions that have any chance of leading to a solution.


So much for the supposed “advantage to working on this in W3C”.


Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 22:46:38 UTC